COVID-19 Updates

Messages From Norm Hullinger:

To the alphabroder/Prime Line Family -

It is my greatest hope, first and foremost, that this message finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. Please, take advantage of all measures to stay protected and care for your family. Your safety has been at the forefront of all of the decisions being made at alphabroder/Prime Line.

The roots of alphabroder/Prime Line go back a hundred years to the founding of Broder Bros., Co. in 1919 by Max & Louis Broder. My tenure with alphabroder/Prime Line, and with this amazing industry, has been nearly 20 years. During that time, we have always prided ourselves on being a Company that puts people first: our Team members and Customers have always been our highest priorities.

The Promotional Products industry has been hit extremely hard by this current crisis as numerous venues where our products are used have closed or curtailed activities. Unfortunately, alphabroder/Prime Line is no exception as our revenue has precipitously declined and the trend is continuing. We have operations in many of the locations where state and local governments have implemented travel and business restrictions. We are following those directives where applicable.

When taking into consideration both the physical well-being of our associates, the current economic environment across the country, and our own substantial decline in revenues, we have come to the heart-breaking realization that we will need to initiate lay-offs, furloughs and salary adjustments. These challenges will be felt across the team at alphabroder, and all departments will be impacted. The alphabroder/Prime Line Management Team is taking meaningful pay cuts to help work through this situation, and I am forgoing my salary until we work our way through this crisis. We have also been forced to temporarily close several distribution centers. An internal team has been put together to help any impacted associates.

The difficult reality is that we face some very tough decisions to ensure the health of our associates while simultaneously ensuring the long-term health of our business. We need to be in a position to re-employ our associates and serve our Customers when we make it to the other side of this historic challenge.

We are hopeful that this current situation abates quickly, and that our alphabroder/Prime Line Team as well as the entire Promotional Products community comes through this extraordinary event with their health and well-being intact. I do have incredible faith in our Team here at alphabroder/Prime Line, and in the Industry in general. I look forward to continuing our long and fruitful relationships as we take our Company and Industry to new heights following these difficult days.

Norm Hullinger