Your return authorization has been processed.
Your return number is .
Customer service will be in touch with you shortly.
Line # | Warehouse | Order | Style Desc | Style | Color | Size | Shipped Qty | Price | Return Qty | Return Amount | Action |
Sub-Total: |
Line # | Ref Order | Ref Line | Style | Style Description | Color | Size | Shipped Qty | Price | Return Qty | Return Amount |
Sub-Total: |
Your return number is .
Customer service will be in touch with you shortly.
Enter the quantity of each item that you are returning or that needs crediting in Return Qty.
Enter the style, color, and size you received in Received Item.
If you are unable to identify the item you received, hit the Unknown button.
Enter the quantity of each item that you are returning in Return Qty.
Enter the quantity you are missing in Return Qty.
You should only enter missing quantity if you were charged for that quantity, e.g. invoiced for 10, only received 8.
Enter the quantity of each item that is damaged in the Return Qty column, only quantities greater than zero are submitted.
Provide a brief description of the damage in the Describe Damage column.
Enter the quantity of each item that is defective in the Return Qty column.
Provide a brief description of the defect in the Describe Defect column.
All requests for credits will be reviewed prior to the credit being issued. You will be contacted about your request if there are any issues.