Inventory Advantage Details
We guarantee to be in stock with more than 100 pieces, within our distribution network on the following T-shirts:
Gildan G800, in colors White (excludes G500), Black, Sport Grey, and Navy in sizes S-XL
Gildan G200B, G500B, G800B, in colors White, Black, Red, and Royal in sizes S-L
Hanes 5170, 5180, 5250T, 5280, in colors White, Black, Navy, and Light Steel in sizes S-XL
Fruit of the Loom 3931, in colors White, Black, J Navy, and Athletic Heather in sizes S-XL
Jerzees 29M, 29B, in colors White, Black, J Navy, and True Red in sizes S-XL
Harriton M320, M320W, in colors White and Navy in sizes S-XL
We guarantee to be in stock with more than 50 pieces, within our distribution network
on the following fleece and sport shirts:
Gildan G380, G880, in colors White, Black, Sport Grey, Navy, Forest Green, Maroon, Red, and Royal in sizes S-XL
We guarantee to be in stock with more than 20 pieces, within our distribution network on the following private label styles:
Devon & Jones D100 & D100W, in colors Black, French Blue, Navy, and White in sizes S-XL
Harriton M200, M200W, M265, M265W, M315, M315W, in colors Black, Navy, True Royal, and White in sizes S-XL
Harriton M500, M500W, in colors White, Black, and Stone in sizes S-XL
Harriton M550, M550W, in color Light Denim in sizes S-XL
Harriton M990 & M990W, in colors Black, Charcoal, Navy, and True Royal in sizes S-XL
If we are out-of-stock, we will give you a 5%-off coupon***, good for a maximum of $50 off a subsequent order.
Customer may only use one coupon at a time. Only one coupon may be redeemed per calendar day. A maximum of 10 In-Stock Guarantee coupons will be awarded within a 30-day period.
***Discount applies to merchandise total only and does not include freight.