
General Information
My Account
Password Help

Placing Orders
Ordering Process
Return Policy

Using the Website
Sales Tax


My Account
How do I register for an account with alphabroder?
Click here to be directed to the registration page. You will be asked to select your company or organization type, followed by a registration form. Read the terms of service material carefully. Once you have read this information, if you have the authority to act as your company's access administrator then hit the "I Agree" button and complete the registration form. If your company is already registered and you want your own username and password, please contact your account administrator. If you do not know who that person is, please call customer service at (800) 523-4585.

How do I log in and why do I need to do so?
You may log in from any page of the site at the top right corner. You must be logged in to see pricing for items in our catalog and some other functions on the site require you to be logged on in order to use them, including many of the marketing tools.

Why do I need to log out?
Our site uses cookies to enhance your experience. If you do not sign out, and attempt to return too quickly, we will think you are still on our site. We will deny entry to this second attempt for your safety.

What is an account administrator and why do I need one?
The account administrator is responsible for granting and retracting login privileges to its employees. The account administrator also determines the level of privileges each employee shall have within the website (inventory checking, ordering, etc.). It is also the account administrator's responsibility to retract login privileges should an employee be terminated. Until the account administrator disables the employee's login, that employee may continue to order product and charge it to your account.

How do I add or delete users to my account?
To add users, go to "My Account," then "Manage Account." Then go to the box labeled "Manage Contacts & Usernames." Click on "Add a new contact/username." To delete users, follow the first three steps from above, then find the assigned login name and click delete.

How do I change access privileges for my employees?
To change privileges, please call alphabroder's Web Support Division at (800) 523-4585 select Option 6.

What is the correct process for notifying alphabroder of an address change?
Customers with net terms must submit a written request for an address/phone change on official company letterhead by fax. Faxes can be sent to the credit department at (215) 291-9497. COD accounts can call customer service at (800) 523-4585. Customers can email requests for name changes to [email protected].

Password Help
What should I do if I forgot my password?
Under the "Help Center" drop-down menu, select "Forgot Password" and follow the instructions.

What should I do if I forgot my username?
Under the "Help Center" drop-down menu, select "Forgot Username" and follow the instructions.

How does alphabroder maintain security on the website?
Security is our highest priority. alphabroder uses several sophisticated measures to maintain security. These measures will allow us to track misuse of our website, which will not be tolerated and is subject to account expulsion.

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Placing Orders

Ordering Process
How can I check the status of my order?
If you have your Order Number, select "Instant Order Status" in the "My Account" drop-down menu. To view all of your previous orders, select "Order Status" from the same menu.

Where do I enter a coupon code?
Enter your code into the coupon field at the bottom of the Order Info page during the checkout process and select "Apply Coupon."

How do I save orders?
On the Order Info page you may save an order by entering a unique name in the "Save This Order As" field and then selecting the "Save" button.

I often order the same items. Can I duplicate past orders?
Yes. When you login, select the "Reorder from Previous Order" button located under the "Place an Express Order" section of the homepage. A list of your previous Saved Orders will be displayed. Simply select the "Reorder" button to have the items added to your cart and begin the checkout process.

Why can't I place an order?
Each administrator has the ability to determine which employees can place orders and which employees cannot. If your login has not been given order-placing privileges, you will not be able to place an order. Please check with your account administrator to confirm your web login status.

Do we have a minimum order requirement?
No. We accept orders of all sizes; no minimum amount required.

Can I personally pick up my order at a DC?
Yes. Orders other than drop shipments may be picked up at any of our distribution centers across the country. Please allow 2 hours from the time you place your order. You may pay for your order with cash, credit cards or as per your account terms. Drop shipments cannot be picked up at a distribution center.

How do I place an order directly to a DC?
When ordering online, once you are on the Checkout screen, you may select "Customer Pickup" from the drop-down menu below the line of text that says "Shipping From: Selected Warehouse." Confirm that the DC you selected stock from is the DC you want to pick your order up from. Drop shipment orders may not be picked up at a distribution center.

Can I fax an order?
Fax orders are accepted 24 hours a day at (800)-845-4970.

Can I place a back-order online?
No. Although alphabroder does allow for back-orders, we currently are not allowing them to be placed over the internet. Please contact an alphabroder Sales Representative or Customer Service Department should you wish to place a back-order.

Return Policy
What is alphabroder's return policy?
Please click here for our complete return policy.

How will inventory be reported?
Inventory quantities will be reported with exact inventory for 500 units or less. When available inventory is greater than 500 units, the Stock Level field will read "500+," "1,000+," "5,000+" or "10,000+," depending on how much stock there is.

If the inventory is reported as "500+," "1,000+," etc., how will I know if there is enough inventory for my order?
If you need to order more stock than the 500+ or 1,000+ levels, simply enter your requirements and click "Add to Cart." If the stock is available it will be reported in the ordered column of the Shopping Cart. If the stock is not available you will receive a message indicating unavailable inventory. You can choose stock from multiple DCs, which is referred to as a Split Shipment. You will be able to identify separate shipping methods for each DC from which you order.

Is inventory held for me as soon as I place an order in my cart?
No. Inventory is not allocated to your order until your order is submitted. At order submission, we will re-check inventory to confirm that the quantities you requested are still available. Should the inventory have changed and the quantity you originally requested no longer be available, you will be asked to re-enter a new quantity or to select a substitute item.

How do I see real-time inventory?
The inventory on our web ordering system is always up-to-date and accurate with our real-time inventory. To see inventory for specific colors, select the color from the pull-down menu in the middle of the search results page and you will automatically open the Price/Order page, which shows all distribution centers (DCs) with inventory available.

  • The primary DC will always be the one closest to your account address but you can order from any distribution center.
  • You may want to order from another DC, particularly if your drop-ship address is closer to one of our other DCs.
  • Each DC shows available sizes, your price and the available quantities for that garment.

How do I select my shipping address?
You can either select an existing address by clicking on "Search," modify the selected address by clicking on "Change" or create a new address by selecting the "New" button. When changing or entering a new address there is an extra line available to enter a P.O. number, job name or other identifier. Select the "OK" button to add the address to your personal ship-to database.

What are alphabroder's general shipping policies?

  • Orders are primarily shipped via UPS Ground or common carrier, but shipping method can also be determined by the customer's request.
  • Orders placed before 5pm local time, will ship the same day (UPS Ground). Cut off times vary for all some carriers and methods such as Line Hauls.
  • Our Optimization program will consolidate orders if you do not opt out.
  • Shipping charges include insurance plus a $4.49 handling charge.
  • There is an export document charge of $10.00 per document, with a maximum of $20.00 per shipment.
  • UPS adds charges on residential deliveries.
  • UPS has additional surcharges that are applied as appropriate.
  • For questions about international deliveries, please call customer support at (800) 523-4585.

How do I choose a different shipping method for each shipping location?

  • If your order is shipping from multiple DCs you can choose to set different shipping methods for each DC.
  • Use the pull-down menu to select an alternative shipping method.
  • The shipping costs and transit information will vary based on your selection. Allow the page to refresh with each change.
  • When done click on the "Return to Order Information" text at the bottom of the Order Info page.

Do you accept third party/private freight requests?
If you have an account with UPS or FedEx, you may click the check box next to the carrier name to select the Third Party freight option. For orders in which the total weight of the freight exceeds 1,500 lbs., an additional freight option will become available called "Private Freight." Under these circumstances you can identify a common carrier with whom you have an account to deliver your shipment.

When you continue through the checkout process, a sub-window will open where you can identify your account number and any other required information. Once you have entered this data click on the "Submit" or "Confirm" button and this will bring you to the Order Information page. The Carrier will be indicated as "Private Freight" if you chose that option.

What are the terms for FlexExpress?
FlexExpress option is available for orders of five boxes or less. Orders for product with value greater than $50 are charged $5.99. Orders for product equal to or under $50 are charged $9.99. Orders must ship complete from one warehouse; no split ships. COD orders are not eligible. Orders must be picked up within five days of their arrival at the FlexExpress location or they will be returned by FedEx.

What payment methods are accepted?
At the time of order, we accept cash, cashier's check, money order, bank check, ACH, wire transfer or credit card (VISA, Master Card and AMEX, Discover). Credit cards can be added and/or updated by clicking add update credit card on the ship to and payment page.

You may settle an invoice with Paypal but you will incur a change of terms fee of 3.8% You may also pay an invoice with a Bank ACH and will incur no fee.

Why don't the average prices in my cart match the prices listed on the order entry screen?
The average price shown in your cart is an average of the case, dozen and piece prices listed on your ordering screen. Any product shipped in full mill cases are charged case price. Any amount short of case quantity is then charged dozen pricing for even dozens with any amount fewer than twelve being charged piece price.

Can I change my payment method from order to order?
Yes. Your payment choices will be shown in the Payment Method drop-down menu of the Order Info page. The choices shown may vary according to your terms established with alphabroder. Additional credit card information may also be added here. If you change your payment method from cash (meaning cash, cashier's check, money order or official bank check) to credit card you will lose the applicable cash discount.

Can I change my payment method at the time of pick-up or when paying an invoice?
Yes. However, if you change your payment method from cash (meaning cash, cashier's check, money order or official bank check) to credit card you will lose the applicable cash discount.

If you elect to pay an open invoice with Paypal you will likewise lose that cash discount.

Where do I find the appropriate state sales tax exemption forms for resellers?
Sales tax exemptions apply to resellers of products who will not ultimately use the product but sell them to another party. Resale certificates by state have been posted on the website under the "My Account" drop-down menu by selecting "Tax Exempt/Resale forms." For questions concerning resale exemptions, contact your state department of revenue or call customer service at (800) 523-4585 and ask to be transferred to the sales tax department.

What payment methods are accepted?
We accept VISA, Master Card and AMEX, Discover. Credit cards can be added and/or updated by clicking add update credit card on the ship to and payment page.

What are alphabroder's COD terms?
COD is available to qualified accounts, for orders other than drop shipments. COD is not available for drop shipments. For COD Cash: Payment by cashier's check, money order or official bank check is accepted upon delivery. Prior verification may be required on new customers or large orders. For COD Company Check: COD terms for payment with a company check may be granted upon alphabroder's approval of a completed and signed application. A $25.00 service fee will be charged for returned checks. If you change a payment method from cash (meaning cash, cashier's check, money order or official bank check) to credit card you will lose the applicable cash discount.

Can I apply for credit? If so, how?
Yes. You may call our credit department to apply at (800) 523-4585 select option 8.
Customers can also apply by completing online credit application

What are the net terms for credit?
Net terms may be granted upon alphabroder's approval of a completed and signed credit application. A finance charge of 1.5% per month (18% APR) will be assessed on unpaid balances beyond established terms. alphabroder reserves the right to revoke terms at any time and for any reason without prior notification.

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Using the Website

Where can I find sale items, specials and closeouts?
These items can be found under the "Clearance" drop-down menu.

How do I see a larger, closer up image of a product online?
Once the style is selected, a magnifying glass is visible in the lower right corner of the image. Click on it to enlarge the image and activate the zoom feature to see the finer details.

How do I find sizing information for products?
Select the "Specs" tab on the product page to see available size information. Size charts by brand are also available and located in the Marketing Tools drop-down menu.

How do I search online for a product from the alphabroder print catalog?
Keyword Search: Enter a search phrase in the Keyword Search to find a style that matches your needs. If multiple styles match the terms provided, you may further specify by category, brand or size. You can also enter additional terms to narrow or refine your search, or you can try a new search with entirely different keywords.

Quick Search: When you plug in a style number and click go, the Quick Search returns a single style with basic product information, hyperlinks to enlarged photos, the related catalog spread and detailed product specs.
General Search: The General Search will return a list of products that fall into the brand and category you chose on the Search Order page.

How do I order custom catalogs?
In the "Marketing Tools" drop-down menu select "Order Custom Catalogs" and complete the order form. If you have artwork on file with us, it will be displayed for your approval, or choose to upload new art for your current order.

Are the colors of the apparel appearing on my monitor accurate?
The color of the product cannot be guaranteed to match the color on your monitor since each person's computer monitor is set and calibrated differently. The colors of products appearing on your screen should be used as guides to locating the color you're looking for. The best resources for matching color requirements are a mill swatch card or a product sample.

Where can I get hi-res product images?
You can download high resolution images directly from the product page. Under each image on the product page, you'll find a navy blue button that reads "Download Hi-Res." Note: Not every product has a high resolution image available.

Why am I not receiving emails from alphabroder, even though I signed up for them?
It could be one of the following reasons:

  • Your email address was entered incorrectly during registration; please double check your account information.
  • Your System Administrator has blocked the email; please check with your system administrator.
  • Your mailbox is full and the email could not be delivered.
  • The email may have reached your spam folder; please add [email protected] to your email address book or safe-senders list.

If you are still not receiving emails, contact web support at (800) 523-4585 select option 6.

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Sales Tax

What is sales tax?
Sales tax is a retail point-of-purchase tax imposed by state and/or local governments paid by the purchaser for goods. Sales tax is based on the 'ship-to' location and whether or not the items purchased are taxable. Sellers are required by state regulations to assess sales tax.

Does everyone pay sales tax?
Customers are considered taxable until they provide a properly completed resale/exemption certificate and/or state sales tax license as required by state law.

What is a sales tax resale/exemption certificate?
A resale certificate is a state specific document that purchasers provide to their vendors when buying product which is then resold. A purchaser cannot use a resale certificate if they are the end user of that product. A resale certificate can also be referred to as an exemption certificate, reseller's permit, sales tax permit, sales tax ID or resale license.

Where can I obtain a resale/exemption certificate?
You can obtain resale/exemption certificates directly from your alphabroder 'My Account' under Manage Tax Certificates. If you are tax exempt in multiple states, multi-jurisdictional forms are available.

If I have a sales tax license, do I still need to complete a resale/exemption certificate?
Yes, a resale/exemption certificate provides additional information about your business that a license may not offer.
The following states require ONLY the state issued sales tax license: FL, LA, MS, NM, WA

What do I need to provide for my 501(c)(3) exempt organization?
Exempt organizations may be exempt from paying sales tax but being classified as an IRS 501(c)(3) entity does not automatically guarantee that an organization will be exempt from state and local sales taxes. Exempt organizations are required to submit a completed exemption certificate and/or a state issued letter of exemption in order to be sales tax exempt. Each state has its own rules and regulations regarding exempt organizations and their taxability.

What if my business is based outside the U.S.?
If your order is being shipped and sold within the U.S., it is subject to sales tax rules and regulations of the 'ship-to' location. Orders shipped within the U.S. to a licensed freight forwarder for export outside the U.S., can be exempt from sales tax upon the completion of additional exporter documents. Please contact the Tax Department at [email protected] to request the additional exporter forms.

I was charged sales tax, can I get a refund?
If your order was charged sales tax and you have provided a valid resale/exemption certificatefor the "ship to" state, a refund of the assessed sales tax can be requested by emailing [email protected]. Sales tax refunds are issued in the same manner in which the order was paid.

Will I be charged sales tax when picking up from a distribution center?
You will be charged sales tax according to the tax laws of that state unless you have a valid resale certificate on file for that pickup location,.

What is Economic Nexus and how does it apply to me?
Economic nexus generally refers to rules that states have adopted asserting nexus over an out-of-state business that has an economic presence in a state even though the business may lack a physical presence.

As alphabroder has economic presence in most states, we are required by state law to assess sales tax on customer orders unless a valid resale or exemption certificate is on file. Even if our customer does not qualify for the Economic Nexus thresholds in a particular state, alphabroder is required to charge sales tax if we are shipping to that particular state on our customers' behalf.

Why is Economic Nexus important?
In the recent Supreme Court decision, South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc. (Wayfair), the court eliminated the physical presence requirement for states to require businesses to collect and remit state sales tax. It established economic nexus as the sales tax nexus standard.

Any questions related to economic nexus should be directed to [email protected].

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